The UMGC is a multi-facility resource encompassing services for sequencing, single-cell genomics, spatial genomics, genotyping, gene expression analysis, epigenomics, ddPCR, microbiome studies, and CLIA-based NGS, as well as pre-analytical services. Resource Guide Download.
Staff and Laboratories
40 scientists are housed in a total of three laboratories spanning the Twin Cities, both on and off campus. Together, these core facilities encompass roughly 18,000 square feet. The UMGC has a budget of > $12M per year and hundreds of internal and external clients.
Element Biosciences AVITI24 and four AVITIs. Illumina NextSeq 2000, six MiSeqs, iSeq 100. PacBio Sequel II System. Ultima Genomics UG 100.
Library Prep Devices
Covaris S220 Acoustic DNA Shearing Device. Sage Biosciences PippinPrep and ELF automated gel-sizing devices. Fluidigm Access Array system for amplification-based NGS library creation.
Single-cell and Spatial Genomics
10X Genomics Chromium X platform for high-throughput single-cell transcriptomics. Mission Bio Tapestri. Miltenyi MACSQuant Tyto for cell sorting. LevitasBio LeviCell EOS System for cell enrichment. S2 Genomics Singulator S200 for tissue dissociation. 10X Genomics Visium CytAssist.
Ten QuantStudio 5 and two QuantStudio 7 for Uniplex (Taqman) genotyping. Illumina Platform including iScan scanner and autoloader and two Tecan Infinium automation systems equipped for Infinium genotyping chemistries.
Illumina Platform including Illumina iScan scanner and autoloader and two Tecan Infinium automation systems equipped for Infinium DNA methylation chemistries. DNA methylation analysis using next-generation sequencing on Illumina sequencers in combination with bisulfite sequencing and/or locus-specific sequence capture. PacBio Sequel DNA methylation sequencing.
Gene Expression
Ten QuantStudio 5 and two QuantStudio 7 real-time PCR instruments for real-time qPCR analysis. Full complement of Roche Universal Probe Library (UPL) probes. Illumina Platform including Illumina iScan scanner and autoloader for Illumina DirectHyb and DASL expression chemistries. NanoString nCounter Gen2 platform. Fluidigm BioMark HTP real-time Q-PCR/ digital PCR platforms. Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Digital PCR system.
Over 40 PCR thermocyclers blocks (96- + 384-well). QIAGEN, Beckman, Eppendorf, and Hydra liquid handling robots, as well as a Labcycte Echo 525 liquid handler. Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzers (2), 8-channel Nanodrop quantitation instruments (2), and Agilent TapeStation 2000 high-throughput capillary electrophoresis system.
The UMGC has built and operates its own electronic Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). For most services, projects are ordered online, and data are posted electronically. MSI’s Research Informatics group provides bioinformatic analysis services.