Third-Generation Sequencing

The next era of DNA sequencing technology, termed third-generation sequencing (TGS), has gained a place in biology as a way to study genomes, transcriptomes, and metagenomes at an unprecedented resolution. These technologies work by single-molecule sequencing and provide:

  • Long reads with no amplification.
  • Direct detection of epigenetic modifications on native DNA.
  • Direct sequencing through regions of the genome inaccessible or difficult to analyze by short-read platforms.
  • Uniform coverage of the genome as they are not as sensitive to GC content as short-read platforms.

The UMGC offers long-read sequencing solutions from PacBio, giving researchers a wide range of cutting-edge sequencing solutions to fit any project scale, budget, and turnaround time. As a PacBio Certified Service Provider with five years of experience with the Sequel II system, we undergo standardized PacBio certification to demonstrate that we can generate high quality data using the most up-to-date workflows.


Whether a researcher is new to sequencing or one of our regular users, we can help determine which instrument and application best meet a project’s goal. Researchers are encouraged to contact our NGS team for a consult on experimental design, library creation methods, or sequencing options at [email protected].